Periodic inspection of your lifting equipment by approved persons: ensure the safety of your operations

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Safety in lifting and handling is a major concern for any company using lifting equipment. Indeed, this equipment is subject to significant stresses and must be regularly inspected to ensure their proper functioning and avoid accidents. That is why it is essential to call upon approved professionals to carry out the periodic inspection of your lifting equipment.

LIFTEUROP offers a service for the inspection, repair, maintenance, and conformity adjustment of lifting accessories. Thanks to its human resources and experience, LIFTEUROP is able to offer its customers a comprehensive diagnosis of the lifting equipment and accessories. This service ensures that all equipment is in order before the inspection organization arrives.

During the periodic inspection of your lifting equipment, each element is meticulously inspected according to current standards and regulations, thus ensuring the safety of lifting operations. Among these elements are:

  • Lifting accessories: general appearance, mobility, thread, marking, tolerance…
  • Textile slings, cables, and chains: presence of the identification plate, general condition, wear, elongation…
  • Manual and electric hoists: absence of thermal discoloration, rust, weld points, impacts, cracks…
  • Lifting magnets: wear level, absence of deformation, pull-off test…
  • Other specific equipment on request

To facilitate the management and monitoring of equipment subject to periodic checks, LIFTEUROP offers V-Tic, an innovative software that revolutionizes how you manage your lifting equipment.

With V-Tic, no more tedious paper checks and tracking errors! This software is designed to be economical, fast, and easy to use. Thanks to an intuitive interface, you can access verification data in real-time from anywhere, whether on a computer or a mobile phone.

In addition to simplifying equipment management, V-Tic also ensures compliance with current regulations, allowing you to guarantee the safety of your lifting operations.

Choose safety and peace of mind with LIFTEUROP’s inspection service!

*The periodic general inspection of lifting accessories is a legal obligation (imposed by Directive 2009/104/EC) that must be carried out at least every 12 months or more frequently depending on usage and risks.

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